Other Benefits
A number of other free services and benefits are available to Metropolitan College participants.
Metropolitan College Themed Community
The University of Louisville Metropolitan College (MC) Community will provide students with an opportunity to engage with each other and with the campus community. By building a Metropolitan College residence hall community, students will have an opportunity to share advice regarding time management, organization and work-life balance while attending school and working third shift within UPS. Students will also be able to form relationships with other students within Metropolitan College that are faced with similar challenges, including sleep schedules and transportation issues. Metropolitan College staff members offer one-on-one support by maintaining contact with residents throughout the semester to ensure access to MC benefits. MC staff are available to provide guidance in removing obstacles to achieve academic and career goals as well as aid in completion of the Career and Academic Planning Program (CAPP).
Students in this community can expect to receive the following services:
- Access to housing options during the summer and over the institutional closing periods.
- Social activities to allow students to engage with other Metropolitan College students and the campus community.
- Live with students who have a similar schedule to allow for less interrupted sleep schedules and possible carpooling opportunities.
- Live on a floor with housing staff who are knowledgeable of Metropolitan College students' needs.
- Facilitation of community engagement among fellow Metropolitan College students.
To participate in the UofL MC Themed Community, students must:
- Apply for MC Themed Community Housing when submitting the main UofL Housing Application.
- Complete all steps to become an MC participant at UofL, including meeting the MC UofL admissions criteria, as documented on our Prospective Student Checklist.
Note: Metropolitan College does NOT cover the cost of housing. Students will be responsible for the charges associated with residence halls.
For more information about joining the Metropolitan College Themed Community at UofL, please contact Shelly Gilles at (502) 852-2534 or shelly.gilles@louisville.edu.
Student Support
Pursuing a college degree or advanced certification, while employed part-time or full-time can be challenging. Through one-on-one meetings, targeted resources, and appropriate referrals, the Student Success Team (SST) supports Metropolitan College students’ unique needs for successful management of employment and academic achievement. During your participation in Metropolitan College, SDT will assist you in creating an on-line career portfolio to ensure you develop and maintain important documents (e.g. resume, career plan, etc) to assist in clarifying and developing meaningful academic and career plans. We are conveniently located on both the UofL and JCTC campuses. The Metropolitan College team is standing by to help you with all of the services you need for a smooth transition to either UofL or JCTC.
Mental Health Resources
University of Louisville (UofL)
- Visit the UofL Counseling Center for more information.
Jefferson Community and Technical College (JCTC)
- Visit the JCTC Mental Health resource page.
- View the UPS Employee Assistance Program (EAP) brochure [PDF].
- View the UPS Resources for Living information [PDF].
- Contact your UPS management team for additional employee resources.

Free Bus Service
All students have free access to TARC with either a U of L or JCTC student ID.
For more information about the UofL free Tarc service, click here.
For more information about the JCTC free Tarc service, click here.
Visit www.ridetarc.org for routes and schedules.
Campus Services
Both the UofL and JCTC campuses offer a number of student services. These services are available to you as a Metropolitan College participant and you are encouraged to utilize these resources to support your overall academic, social and health and wellness success while in the program.
Jefferson Community and Technical College
Jefferson Community and Technical College (JCTC) offers numerous student services such as Counseling Services (Academic, Personal and Career), the ACCESS* Ability Resource Center (ARC), Student Support Services and Multicultural Affairs.
JCTC's Student Resources page.
University of Louisville
The University of Louisville offers numerous student services such as the Student Recreation Center (SRC), the Ekstrom Library Writing Center, the Disability Resource Center, REACH, and the Counseling Center.
Career Center
In partnership with the Student Success Team, the CREW Career Center can assist you in mapping out each stage of the career development process - career exploration, career planning and career placement. The CREW staff is available to assist you in:
- selecting a major and career
- understanding the job market
- resume writing
- interviewing
- networking
- and so much more!
We have two convenient locations, services are FREE, and no appointment is necessary. It is never too early to take advantage of these services!
Visit the CREW Center website at crew.cc.
Priority Registration
Metropolitan College students are provided priority registration at the University of Louisville and Jefferson Community and Technical College. Priority registration ensures the best selection of courses that supports a third shift work schedule at UPS. MC students should prepare for priority registration by meeting with their academic advisor well before the start of priority registration.
- University of Louisville Priority Registration:
- Summer and Fall Priority Registration: First 5 business days after UofL opens registration (April)
- Spring Priority Registration: First 5 business days after UofL opens registration (November 1)
- To be eligible for UofL priority registration, MC students must sign their agreement by the signing deadline (Fall: October 15 and Spring: March 15).
- Jefferson Community and Technical College Priority Registration:
- Summer and Fall Priority Registration: First month of JCTC registration (March)
- Spring Priority Registration: First month of JCTC registration (October)
- MC Priority Registration Days
- MC Student Succes Counselors and JCTC Academic Advisors will be available during select dates at JCTC downtown and JCTC southwest for "MC Days". See your school email or contact your assigned MC Student Success Counselor for more information.
- MC Days offer a one-stop opportunty for MC students to register for classes as well as sign an MC agreement all at the same time to support MC students registering and signing their agreement on-time.
Metro College Graduates
In appreciation of the unwavering commitment and exceptional efforts demonstrated by Metropolitan College students, UPS proudly awards a distinctive Metropolitan College graduation cord to each graduate. These cords serve as tangible symbols of academic and extracurricular excellence, signifying an achievement earned through dedication. Wearing your MC cord during the graduation ceremony proudly highlights your remarkable accomplishment.
MC graduates who have applied for graduation at UofL or JCTC and have an active MC agreement on file, will receive a cord during the following time frames:.
- Summer or Fall Graduation: After December 1 (Note: JCTC fall graduates will need to retain their cord for Spring commencement. JCTC holds 1 commencement per year).
- Spring Graduation: After April 15
If you are graduating and did not receive your cord, please contact us:
- UofL Graduates: Audra Butler; abutler@ups.com; 502-595-8396
- JCTC Graduates: Paxton Gordon; pgordon@ups.com; 502-781-0261
Congratulations to our graduates! The MC staff and UPS staff look forward to celebrating your accomplishment!