Tips for Student Success
Although attending school while working third shift can be challenging, Metropolitan College (MC) students can make decisions and plan ahead to achieve academic success.
We know that students who work third shift and who maintain a high GPA have several factors in common. Review the following tips for Metropolitan College to learn how you can ensure your success in the MC program. Feel free to contact a MC Student Success Counselor if you have any questions or need additional guidance in planning.
Limit First Semester Enrollment
- Metro College students should limit their enrollment to 10 or less credit hours during the first semester in our program. Once students can demonstrate a successful first semester, we encourage student to enroll full-time.
- Students who sign their first MC agreement and adhere to part-time enrollment recommendations of enrolling in 10 credit hours or less, will be eligible for payment for courses completed with a D grade during the first agreement semester only.* Remember, you are working year-round so taking summer courses is a great option for staying on track! After having some time to become accustom to your new schedule, you can increase your course load the next semester. Make sure you communicate with your academic advisor to limit your first semester course load and maximize the summer semester to stay on track with your academic plan.
- Completing 30 credit hours per year in order to graduate on time is possible, even when you enroll in the recommended 10 hours or less your first semester.
- First Semester: 10 credit hours
- Second Semester: 12-15 credit hours
- Summer Semester: 3-9 credit hours
Your second year in the program, enroll full-time each fall and spring, and take summer classes as needed to earn 30 hours. Consider taking online classes for flexibility, but make sure you talk to a Student Success Counselor about any additional out of pocket fees for online classes.
Check out these resources to see how the benefits of enrolling full-time after your first semester with MC and enrolling in summer classes will help you graduate on time: Graduate On Time With MC and Benefits of Summer Enrollment with MC.
- Effective course planning can reduce the chance of receiving an ineligible grade or withdrawing from a course. A majority of MC students who do not re-enroll in school the following semester have earned an ineligible grade or withdrew from a course.
*MC believes that students who enroll part-time (10 credits or less) their first semester in the MC program will be successful in balancing school and third shift work. However, we understand that transition periods can be tough. So, during the first semester as an MC participant, MC will pay for any course completed with a D and provide you with information and resources to assist you in achieving success the following semester.
Be Prepared and Have a Plan
- Making a schedule is very important for students starting out in the program. Students should be sure to plan adequate time for school, work, and sleep. By creating a realistic schedule and sticking to it, students can stay on track to meet their goals. Students who plan effectively when utilizing the Student Transition Program scheduling tool have better academic success rates. If you have questions about your schedule, please contact a Student Success Counselor for assistance.
- Take time to plan a monthly budget and to ensure you can pay for educational costs not covered by the Metropolitan College program. Some of these uncovered costs include, but are not limited to: housing, transportation, books, and institutional fees. Also, be prepared to pay for unexpected costs. What if you withdraw from a class? You want to take an on-line course at UofL? Complete a course with an ineligible grade for payment? Our High Five program is designed to help students prepare a budget and put a plan in place for financial emergencies.
Register for Classes as Early as Possible
- Often the most convenient class times fill up quickly after registration. By registering early, students have an opportunity to select the class times that fit their needs and allow for their unique schedule. Schedule appointments with your advisor as early as possible to plan for upcoming semesters!
Give Careful Consideration Before Working An Additional Job
Here are some important questions to ask yourself before you apply to a second position:
- Have I demonstrated I can maintain a high GPA with my current work load?
- Does this position provide me with practical work experience that is related to my long term goal?
- Is this position available during the weekends and/or during breaks from school?
- Does this position require 10 or less hours a week?
- Do I need this position to address financial NEEDS that cannot be met through better budgeting practices?
If you answered “No” to one or more of these questions, it is possible that this additional employment could become a barrier to achieving your academic and career goals. Contact a MC Student Success Counselor for further assistance identify opportunities that would meet these objectives.
Schedule Classes for the Afternoon
- While working third shift, it is very important to leave time to sleep and complete schoolwork. Scheduling classes for in the afternoon provides an opportunity to get some much needed rest.
Stay in Touch with On-Campus Resources
- Keeping in contact with on-campus resources, including advisors, tutoring services, and the Metropolitan College Student Success Team can help you ensure you are meeting all program requirements, as well staying on track for graduation.
- Check your MC My MC page, UPS account, school email, and school student portal a minimum of every two weeks to ensure you receive accurate and timely information.
- Check your FAFSA status to determine if you can sign an agreement. Your FAFSA should be filed by the first of January every year. Check your school email and talk with the MC Student Success Counselors to determine if your FAFSA is complete well before your tuition is due!
Volunteer and Become Involved on Campus
- Staying connected on campus is an important part of student success. By seeking out volunteer or co-curricular activities, students can gain experience in their career chosen field, meet other students with similar goals and interests, and help improve the campus and the community. Your MC Student Success Counselor can assist you in locating opportunities that fit your schedule and meet your career objectives.
Stay Focused on Career and Academic Goals
- Choosing a major and career goals is a crucial component of a successful academic career. Going to school while working third shift can be a challenge, but remaining focused on a goal can help students to succeed in their school work and their eventual career. Contact a MC Student Success Counselor for career guidance.