Savannah Blanchard
Savannah is a dedicated student and motivated employee.
Savannah Blanchard is a first-year student at UofL and does an outstanding job of balancing working a part-time third shift position and being a full-time student. She diligently works to connect with her professors and other students in her classes, and is constantly putting in the necessary time and effort to maintain a 4.0 GPA. She is even on track to graduate early and plans to obtain her MBA at UofL immediately after her Bachelor’s Degree.
Savannah has been working at UPS for over one year. She hopes to one day become a Part-Time Supervisor. Savannah's supervisor has stated that she is a model employee. She is very positive and enthusiastic about her job at UPS.
Learn more about Savannah Blanchard in this MC Spotlight Q&A Interview
Why did you decide to participate in the MC program?
To help offset college expenses and to grow as a leader by working as a supervisor at UPS.
What has been your biggest challenge as a MC participant and how did you overcome these challenges?
Time management is definitely the hardest challenge. I am a social butterfly and love to be involved, so it has been a struggle to find ways I can continue to engage in campus activities while making sure I stay on top of school and work responsibilities. I find keeping a planner and having a set sleep schedule helps with this a lot.
What advice do you have for prospective and current students in the MC program?
Make sure to communicate with your professors and your supervisors about your situation or if you need help! Most are very understanding and willing to work with you in times of need. Asking never hurts, only helps.
What led you to choose your major of study?
I majored in Management because I want to pursue a career in HR. I enjoy working with people and I would love to make a difference at the company I work for in the future.
What has been your involvement with co-curricular activities, co-ops or internships, volunteer experience, community service, undergraduate research, etc.?
I participated in UofL’s choir last semester, and I volunteer at my church, Sanctuary Church.
What are your hobbies and interests?
I play piano and bass guitar, and I sing. I love anything to do with the outdoors - biking, hiking, etc. Also, I am basically addicted to thrift shopping.

We are proud of our current students and alumni and their incredible accomplishments! The MC Spotlight is a way for us to highlight the amazing things our current students and alumni are doing. As you read their stories, you will learn how their Metropolitan College experiences helped to shape their futures and influence their careers.
We are always on the lookout for inspiring MC Spotlight stories. If you or someone you know is interested in sharing a story with us, contact us at askmetro@kctcs.edu.
Note: At Metropolitan College, we consider our alumni anyone who has ever completed coursework and received tuition benefits with us.
Jacey Birch
"It has improved my work ethic. It has also given me opportunities to able to communication and cooperate more."
Trent Saylor
"What drives me is knowing that the MC team actually cares and doesn’t let students ideas fly in one ear and out the other."