Now Accepting Nominations for the 2022-23 Metropolitan College Parent of the Year Award
Submit Nomination
Click here to submit nomination.
Submission Deadline
Applications and essays will be accepted through Thursday, September 8 2022 at 5:00 p.m., EDT. Only nominations received by the deadline will be considered.
Criteria and Guidelines
What are we looking for?
- The Metropolitan College (MC) Parent of the Year Award seeks to recognize a parent/caregiver who has made a significant impact and contribution to the life of a student participating in the MC program. By supporting you, they in turn are supporting the University of Louisville (UofL) and Jefferson Community and Technical College (JCTC).
- In essay form, please tell us why your parent/caregiver should be selected as the MC Parent of the Year.
- All essays and entries will be judged in strict confidentiality by our Selection Committee, comprised of MC and UPS staff.
- Submissions will be judged solely on their ability to convey the merit of your parent/caregiver's outstanding involvement in your life.
- All current UofL and JCTC MC undergraduate students are eligible to nominate their parent/caregiver for this award.
- The MC Parent of the Year Award does not discriminate against non-traditional households. If you were raised by someone other than your birth mother or father, please take the time to nominate that special individual.
Awards Ceremony & Recognition
- Each parent/caregiver nominated will be recognized upon receipt of the consent and release form.
- One award winner will be chosen from each school and will be provided with an award plaque.
- The UofL recipient will be recognized during the 2022-23 Parent of the Year Awards Ceremony, thanks to a collaboration formed with the UofL Parents and Family Association.
- The UofL Awards Ceremony will take place on Friday, September 23, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. More details to come. See the UofL Family Weekend 2022 events schedule.
- Details of recognition for the JCTC recipient will be forthcoming.
- Winners will be contacted no later than September 19, 2022.
Contact Sarah Schladand, MC Student Development Counselor, at