MC Spotlight: Rachel Roarx

Rachel Roarx
“… [schedule] your classes after 12 PM, get sleep, drink lots of water instead of coffee, don't feel bad when you tell people that you can't do something because of your work schedule, and be honest with your professors when you are having trouble. No one ever said night shift was easy.”
“I truly love my job at UPS!”
“Losing teaches you even more than winning.”
Congratulations to Rachel Roarx on being the recipient of the Spring 2017 Outstanding MC Student Award.
“Thanks to UPS, I am able to afford college and follow my dreams without having to worry about how I will pay for my bills after I graduate.
Roarx will graduate with her bachelor’s degree in May 2019.

Samuel Bockman
Samuel Brockman chose to move from Northern Kentucky to Louisville, KY to participate in Metropolitan College program. Brockman is now weeks away from graduating with his associate degree in fire science.
Crystal Krages
Crystal Krages highly recommends the Metropolitan College program to anyone who is interested in attending college and graduating debt free!