Becky Hall
Becky Hall has been with the Metropolitan College program since 2015. In that time, Becky has earned an Associate in Arts from Jefferson Community and Technical College and is set to graduate from the University of Louisville this December with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology.
Becky, a package handler at UPS, is the proud parent of three children, ages 12, 3, and 1. “My children are my motivation and drive me to succeed and pursue my degree.” Becky said. “When my oldest daughter was born, I dropped out of college to work full-time. When she started elementary school, I decided to go back to school to finish my degree.”
This spring, Becky received a nomination for the 2021 Outstanding Metropolitan College Student Award, an award that recognizes students who demonstrate outstanding leadership, work-life balance, and academic success.
Becky’s immense passion for psychology was first discovered after taking an introductory course. Following graduation this fall, Becky plans to pursue a PhD in Clinical Psychology, then transition to into a rewarding position working with children.
Becky concluded the interview by saying, “Thanks to UPS and Metro College, I have earned my degrees debt free, I also received resume writing and interview preparation for my career field, and most importantly, this program helped me to be a role model for my kids.”
Learn more about Becky Hall in this Metropolitan College Spotlight Q&A Interview.
What has been your biggest challenge as a MC participant and how did you overcome this challenge?
Two of my biggest challenges as a MC participant has been the death of both of my parents while getting my associate degree and having a baby in the middle of the pandemic. I have overcome these challenges by having a great support system and a wonderful academic advisor; they helped me throughout my college career emotionally and mentally.
How has working at UPS contributed to your personal and professional growth?
Working at UPS has contributed to my personal growth by having an extra support system to help when life becomes overwhelming. Working at UPS has helped my professional growth by having unlimited resources for anything you need to grow as a person. Everyone at UPS is very supportive of finishing your college education and doing what they can to make sure you have everything you need to achieve your goals.
What person(s) has been the biggest influence in your life and why?
My dad was my biggest influence in my life because he always taught me how important school is and how it is essential to graduate and have a degree so that you do not struggle in securing a job. Learning about him giving up his college career to join the Army Reserves during the Vietnam War has influenced me to finish school and graduate for him.
What advice do you have for students interested in the MC program?
My advice is to consider everything the MC program has to offer and take advantage of every opportunity you have to learn more. The MC program has wonderful student development counselors who will help you succeed at your goals and different programs to make student life easier. The MC program is awesome to be a part of when you receive bonus money for good grades, graduation money, and graduate debt free!!
What has been your involvement with co-curricular activities, co-ops or internships, volunteer experience, community service, undergraduate research, etc.?
I am a member of the Women's Center organization and the Student Parent Association at UofL.
What is an interesting or fun fact about yourself?
While earning my associate degree, I was living at the Family Scholar House and graduated from their program in 2017.

We are proud of our current students and alumni and their incredible accomplishments! The MC Spotlight is a way for us to highlight the amazing things our current students and alumni are doing. As you read their stories, you will learn how their Metropolitan College experiences helped to shape their futures and influence their careers.
We are always on the lookout for inspiring MC Spotlight stories. If you or someone you know is interested in sharing a story with us, contact us at askmetro@kctcs.edu.
Note: At Metropolitan College, we consider our alumni anyone who has ever completed coursework and received tuition benefits with us.
Tori Henderson
“UPS has enhanced my leadership skills and communication skills. Those are the skills I will need in the social work industry, and I feel well prepared.”
Samantha Hodges
"The Metro College program has allowed me to go through college without worrying about my financial needs and the academic bonuses you receive at the end of the semester are truly amazing!"